Satellogic is a satellite designer, manufacturer and constellation operator. They were founded in 2010 and have offices in Argentina, Uruguay, Spain and the US.
They launched three prototype Cube satellites between 2013 and 2014, using China and Russia as their launch partners.
In 2016, they began launching ~38 KG, 10K-component, 51 x 57 x 82-cm NewSat microsatellites. These take around three months to build and are meant to last for three years in orbit. They've named the constellation of these satellites "Aleph-1".
Below is a rendering of their NewSat satellite.

They're aiming to have 300 satellites in orbit at some point which would provide revisit times up to every 5 minutes.
Last week, Satellogic announced an open satellite feed programme and named their dataset "Satellogic EarthView".
In this post, I'll examine Satellogic's constellation and open data feed.
My Workstation
I'm using a 6 GHz Intel Core i9-14900K CPU. It has 8 performance cores and 16 efficiency cores with a total of 32 threads and 32 MB of L2 cache. It has a liquid cooler attached and is housed in a spacious, full-sized Cooler Master HAF 700 computer case. I've come across videos on YouTube where people have managed to overclock the i9-14900KF to 9.1 GHz.
The system has 96 GB of DDR5 RAM clocked at 6,000 MT/s and a 5th-generation, Crucial T700 4 TB NVMe M.2 SSD which can read at speeds up to 12,400 MB/s. There is a heatsink on the SSD to help keep its temperature down. This is my system's C drive.
The system is powered by a 1,200-watt, fully modular Corsair Power Supply and is sat on an ASRock Z790 Pro RS Motherboard.
I'm running Ubuntu 22 LTS via Microsoft's Ubuntu for Windows on Windows 11 Pro. In case you're wondering why I don't run a Linux-based desktop as my primary work environment, I'm still using an Nvidia GTX 1080 GPU which has better driver support on Windows and I use ArcGIS Pro from time to time which only supports Windows natively.
Installing Prerequisites
I'll use GDAL 3.4.1, Python 3.8 and a few other tools to help analyse the data in this post.
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install \
gdal-bin \
jq \
libimage-exiftool-perl \
python3-pip \
I'll set up a Python Virtual Environment and install some dependencies.
$ python3 -m venv ~/.satl
$ source ~/.satl/bin/activate
$ python3 -m pip install \
astropy \
awscli \
html2text \
requests \
rich \
sgp4 \
I'll use DuckDB, along with its H3, JSON, Lindel, Parquet and Spatial extensions, in this post.
$ cd ~
$ wget -c
$ unzip -j
$ chmod +x duckdb
$ ~/duckdb
INSTALL h3 FROM community;
INSTALL lindel FROM community;
INSTALL parquet;
INSTALL spatial;
I'll set up DuckDB to load every installed extension each time it launches.
$ vi ~/.duckdbrc
.timer on
.width 180
LOAD h3;
LOAD lindel;
LOAD json;
LOAD parquet;
LOAD spatial;
The maps in this post were rendered with QGIS version 3.42. QGIS is a desktop application that runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. The application has grown in popularity in recent years and has ~15M application launches from users all around the world each month.
I used QGIS' Tile+ plugin to add geospatial context with Bing's Virtual Earth Basemap to the maps. The dark, non-satellite imagery maps are mostly made up of vector data from Natural Earth and Overture.
Aleph-1's Launch History
Satellogic has launched 41 satellites for its Aleph-1 constellation as of January 14, 2025.
Their first seven satellites were launched by China between May 2016 and September 2020.
Their eighth satellite was launched by ESA from the Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana in September 2020.
China then launched 10 satellites of theirs in one mission in November 2020.
Since June 2021, SpaceX have launched 23 of their satellites with the most recent being on January 14th, 2025.
Active Satellites
Below I've tried to find all of their active satellites' locations. The positions of their satellites should change each time the following script is executed.
I couldn't find an official listing of their satellites Two-line elements (TLEs) but I found a listing of NORAD IDs. I scraped the n2yo listings for each satellite and parsed the name and TLE for each of those results.
$ python3
import json
from glob import glob
from random import randint
from time import sleep
from html2text import html2text
import requests
from rich.progress import track
for norad_id in track((46832, 46829, 46827, 46833, 46831, 46830,
46840, 46835, 46836, 48905, 48921, 48920,
48919, 52168, 52178, 52171, 52184, 52172,
52747, 52764, 42760, 52748, 52752, 55064,
55047, 55045, 55048, 56190, 56203, 56202,
56201, 56943, 56944, 56966, 56968, 59122,
60498, 60500, 60493, 46272, 45017, 45018,
resp = requests.get('' % norad_id)
assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.status_code
with open('' % norad_id, 'w') as f:
sleep(randint(1, 2))
tles = {}
for filename in glob('*.md'):
lines = open(filename).readlines()
norad_id = int(filename.split('.')[0])
sat_name = None
for num, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.startswith('# NUSAT-'):
sat_name = line.lstrip('# ').strip()
if line.startswith(' 1'):
tles[norad_id] = {
'tle': [line.strip(), lines[num + 1].strip()],
'name': sat_name}
break # The TLE always comes after the sat name
open('tles.json', 'w').write(json.dumps(tles))
The above produced names and TLEs for 22 of their satellites. I'm not sure if the above is an accurate reflection of their constellation's status or not so please don't treat this as gospel.
I then ran the following on March 4th, 2025. It produced a CSV file with names and estimated locations of those 22 satellites.
$ python3
from datetime import datetime
import json
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import ITRS, \
CartesianDifferential, \
from sgp4.api import Satrec
from sgp4.api import SGP4_ERRORS
tles = json.loads(open('tles.json').read())
with open('locations.csv', 'w') as f:
for norad_id in tles:
name = tles[norad_id]['name']
line1 = tles[norad_id]['tle'][0]
line2 = tles[norad_id]['tle'][1]
satellite = Satrec.twoline2rv(line1, line2)
t = Time(datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), format='isot', scale='utc')
error_code, teme_p, teme_v = satellite.sgp4(t.jd1, t.jd2) # in km and km/s
if error_code != 0:
raise RuntimeError(SGP4_ERRORS[error_code])
teme_p = CartesianRepresentation(teme_p *
teme_v = CartesianDifferential(teme_v * / u.s)
teme = TEME(teme_p.with_differentials(teme_v), obstime=t)
itrs_geo = teme.transform_to(ITRS(obstime=t))
location = itrs_geo.earth_location
loc = location.geodetic
f.write('"%s", "POINT (%f %f)"\n' % (name.lstrip('0').lstrip(),
Below is a rendering of the above CSV data in QGIS.

Open Data Feed
Their S3 bucket appears to contain ~7M unique images from more than 3M locations. There is a metadata file for each image they've collected as well as several versions, such as thumbnails, of each image available. There are both RGB and near-infrared imagery available with a resolution of one meter.
Below, I'll list out the contents of their S3 bucket.
$ aws --no-sign-request \
--output json \
s3api \
list-objects \
--bucket satellogic-earthview \
--max-items=100000000 \
| jq -c '.Contents[]' \
> satellogic.s3.json
The resulting JSON file contains 35,480,124 lines and is 13 GB uncompressed. There are almost 10 TBs of content in this bucket.
$ echo "Total objects: " `wc -l satellogic.s3.json | cut -d' ' -f1`, \
" TB: " `jq .Size satellogic.s3.json | awk '{s+=$1}END{print s/1024/1024/1024/1024}'`
Total objects: 35480124, TB: 9.79704
Each metadata filename contains its corresponding image's location as well as other useful attributes. I'll parse these filenames and produce a metadata database in DuckDB.
$ python3
import json
from rich.progress import track
import utm
with open('enriched.s3.json', 'w') as f:
for line in track(open('satellogic.s3.json'),
rec = json.loads(line)
if not rec['Key'].startswith('data/json/'):
date_, \
time_, \
rec['sat'], \
rec['zone'], \
rec['region'], \
rec['region2'], \
_ = rec['Key'].split('/')[5].split('_')
rec['captured_at'] = \
date_[0:4] + '-' + date_[4:6] + '-' + date_[6:8] + 'T' + \
time_[0:2] + ':' + time_[2:4] + ':' + time_[4:6] + 'Z'
lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(float(rec['region']),
northern=rec['zone'][2] == 'N')
# WIP:
# OutOfRangeError: northing out of range
# (must be between 0 m and 10,000,000 m)
except Exception as exc:
rec['lat'], rec['lon'] = float(lat), float(lon)
f.write(json.dumps(rec, sort_keys=True) + '\n')
The resulting JSON produced by the above script is 3.3 GB uncompressed and contains 7,095,985 lines. Below, I'll import it into DuckDB.
$ ~/duckdb ~/satellogic.duckdb
SELECT * EXCLUDE(lat, lon),
ST_POINT(lon, lat) AS geom
FROM READ_JSON('enriched.s3.json');
Data Fluency
The imagery in this feed was captured between July and December 2022. Below is the breakdown by month and satellite of the number of images captured. I've rounded the amounts to the nearest thousand.
STRFTIME(captured_at, '%m') month_,
ROUND(COUNT(*) / 1000)::INT num_rec
ON month_
USING SUM(num_rec)
ORDER BY sat[3:]::INT;
│ sat │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │
│ varchar │ int128 │ int128 │ int128 │ int128 │ int128 │ int128 │
│ SN8 │ 3 │ │ │ │ │ │
│ SN9 │ 54 │ 66 │ 68 │ 69 │ 100 │ 58 │
│ SN11 │ 55 │ 52 │ 82 │ 51 │ 80 │ 78 │
│ SN12 │ │ │ 1 │ │ │ │
│ SN13 │ 66 │ 15 │ │ │ 13 │ 41 │
│ SN14 │ │ │ 7 │ 4 │ │ 1 │
│ SN15 │ 86 │ 52 │ 95 │ 86 │ 49 │ │
│ SN16 │ 71 │ 53 │ 37 │ 72 │ 67 │ 96 │
│ SN18 │ 80 │ 75 │ 60 │ 63 │ 118 │ 153 │
│ SN20 │ 29 │ 71 │ 56 │ 94 │ 130 │ 73 │
│ SN21 │ 70 │ 51 │ 60 │ 117 │ 101 │ 82 │
│ SN22 │ 61 │ 33 │ 63 │ 95 │ 119 │ 111 │
│ SN23 │ 66 │ 72 │ 70 │ 16 │ │ │
│ SN24 │ 68 │ 75 │ 66 │ 95 │ 78 │ 131 │
│ SN25 │ 93 │ 39 │ 88 │ 9 │ │ │
│ SN27 │ 71 │ 77 │ 106 │ 99 │ 86 │ 100 │
│ SN28 │ │ 52 │ 94 │ 107 │ 129 │ 110 │
│ SN29 │ 18 │ 44 │ 71 │ 104 │ 75 │ 159 │
│ SN30 │ 39 │ 45 │ 70 │ 79 │ 95 │ 60 │
│ SN31 │ 51 │ 100 │ 64 │ 81 │ 146 │ 107 │
│ 20 rows 7 columns │
I'll produce a heatmap of where the imagery was captured.
$ ~/duckdb ~/satellogic.duckdb
SELECT h3_cell_to_boundary_wkt(
5))::GEOMETRY geom,
COUNT(*) num_recs
WHERE ST_X(geom) BETWEEN -175 AND 175
AND ST_Y(geom) BETWEEN -90 AND 90
) TO 'h3_5.gpkg'
This is a global view of their imagery footprints.

Below is a zoomed-in view of North America.

Below is a zoomed-in view of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Hotspots in Albania, Saudi Arabia and between India and China really stand out.

The image below might be a bit easier to see on a mobile device.

Imagery by Country
I'll use the Database of Global Administrative Areas (GADM) to get the number of images per country in this dataset.
$ wget -c
$ unzip
$ ~/duckdb ~/satellogic.duckdb
FROM ST_READ('/mnt/f/gis/Global/gadm/gadm_410.gpkg');
The heatmap GeoPackage (GPKG) file I produced earlier has a record count for each hexagon across the globe containing at least one image. It contains 6,122 records in total. I'll use the centroid of each hexagon to find its matching country.
SUM(a.num_recs) AS num_recs
FROM ST_READ('h3_5.gpkg') a
JOIN gadm b ON ST_CONTAINS(b.geom,
Not every centroid landed on a polygon for any of the countries listed in GADM. It could be that the missing ~1.5M image locations are just off of the coast or out in territorial waters.
SELECT SUM(num_recs)
FROM countries;
Nonetheless, the following should be representative of how often any one country features in this dataset.
FROM countries
ORDER BY num_recs DESC;
│ country │ num_recs │
│ varchar │ int128 │
│ United States │ 886871 │
│ Saudi Arabia │ 428122 │
│ Australia │ 423079 │
│ Spain │ 326465 │
│ China │ 324572 │
│ México │ 304916 │
│ Pakistan │ 293720 │
│ Russia │ 250520 │
│ Ukraine │ 184756 │
│ Brazil │ 176929 │
│ Argentina │ 156790 │
│ Albania │ 115472 │
│ United Arab Emirates │ 114530 │
│ Oman │ 102500 │
│ Bangladesh │ 101888 │
│ Iran │ 98160 │
│ India │ 81026 │
│ Iraq │ 72990 │
│ Canada │ 65153 │
│ North Korea │ 64570 │
│ · │ · │
│ · │ · │
│ · │ · │
│ Haiti │ 1519 │
│ Denmark │ 1428 │
│ Moldova │ 1384 │
│ Romania │ 1291 │
│ Mozambique │ 1217 │
│ South Korea │ 1188 │
│ Colombia │ 1139 │
│ Northern Cyprus │ 1088 │
│ Slovakia │ 1075 │
│ Indonesia │ 1070 │
│ Dominican Republic │ 717 │
│ Trinidad and Tobago │ 592 │
│ Somalia │ 563 │
│ Switzerland │ 511 │
│ Serbia │ 472 │
│ Guam │ 431 │
│ Cuba │ 370 │
│ Bosnia and Herzegovina │ 289 │
│ Philippines │ 263 │
│ Barbados │ 244 │
│ 127 rows (40 shown) 2 columns │
Metadata and Imagery
Every image has a metadata file that describes its location, image structure and metrics around how it was captured. This file will also contain the URLs of each variation of the image, including thumbnails and the highest quality image available, which is suffed with "_VISUAL.tif".
Below is an example metadata file.
$ aws s3 cp --no-sign-request \
s3://satellogic-earthview/data/json/zone=04N/region=603411_2346301/date=2022-09-15/20220915_010014_SN20_04N_603411_2346301_metadata.json ./
$ jq -S . 20220915_010014_SN20_04N_603411_2346301_metadata.json
"assets": {
"analytic": {
"eo:bands": [
"common_name": "red",
"name": "Red"
"common_name": "green",
"name": "Green"
"common_name": "blue",
"name": "Blue"
"common_name": "nir",
"name": "NIR"
"href": "",
"roles": [
"type": "image/tiff; application=geotiff; profile=cloud-optimized"
"preview": {
"href": "",
"roles": [
"type": "image/png"
"thumbnail": {
"href": "",
"roles": [
"type": "image/png"
"visual": {
"eo:bands": [
"common_name": "red",
"name": "Red"
"common_name": "green",
"name": "Green"
"common_name": "blue",
"name": "Blue"
"common_name": "nir",
"name": "NIR"
"href": "",
"roles": [
"type": "image/tiff; application=geotiff; profile=cloud-optimized"
"bbox": [
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [
"type": "Polygon"
"id": "20220915_010014_SN20_04N_603411_2346301",
"links": [
"href": "",
"rel": "parent",
"type": "application/json"
"href": "",
"rel": "root",
"type": "application/json"
"href": "",
"rel": "self",
"type": "application/geo+json"
"properties": {
"datetime": "2022-09-15T01:00:14.573735+00:00",
"grid:code": "04N-603411_2346301",
"gsd": 1,
"license": "CC-BY-4.0",
"platform": "newsat20",
"proj:epsg": "32604",
"proj:shape": [
"proj:transform": [
"providers": [
"name": "Satellogic",
"roles": [
"url": ""
"description": "AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program, hosting the dataset.",
"name": "Amazon Web Services",
"roles": [
"url": ""
"satl:altitude": 456.8651464515633,
"satl:altitude_units": "km",
"satl:product_name": "L1",
"view:azimuth": 97.1382808902086,
"view:off_nadir": 19.474754820772176,
"view:sun_azimuth": 249.34650770444287,
"view:sun_elevation": 48.67771372102758
"stac_extensions": [
"stac_version": "1.0.0",
"type": "Feature"
The images themselves can be downloaded via HTTPS with no authentication.
$ wget ""
Qatari Imagery
I drew a bounding box around Qatar to see how many images in this dataset feature the country. Due to the country's shape and proximity to Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, a few of their images were also included in this count.
$ ~/duckdb ~/satellogic.duckdb
WHERE ST_X(geom) BETWEEN 50.6515 AND 51.8086
AND ST_Y(geom) BETWEEN 24.3595 AND 26.3612;
│ count_star() │
│ int64 │
│ 64375 │
I'll get the URLs of the metadata for those 64,375 images and download them using eight threads.
$ echo "SELECT Key
WHERE ST_X(geom) BETWEEN 50.6515 AND 51.8086
AND ST_Y(geom) BETWEEN 24.3595 AND 26.3612" \
| ~/duckdb -csv -noheader ~/satellogic.duckdb \
> manifest.txt
$ mkdir qatar
$ cd qatar
$ cat ../manifest.txt \
| xargs \
-P8 \
-I% \
wget -c ""
The above downloaded 252 MB of JSON and took almost an hour to complete. I'll concatenate those files into a single line-delimited JSON file. I'll then use DuckDB to convert the JSON into a GPKG file with a few fields cleaned up for the sake of ergonomics.
$ cd ../
$ find qatar/ \
-type f \
-exec cat {} + \
> qatar.json
$ ~/duckdb
SELECT properties.* EXCLUDE(providers,
assets.preview.href AS url_preview,
assets.visual.href AS url_visual,
assets.analytic.href AS url_analytic,
assets.thumbnail.href AS url_thumbnail,
FROM 'qatar.json'
) TO 'qatar.footprints.gpkg'
Below is an example record of the above GPKG file.
$ echo "FROM ST_READ('qatar.footprints.gpkg')
LIMIT 1" \
| ~/duckdb -json \
| jq -S .
"datetime": "2022-07-14T11:06:22.192899+00:00",
"geom": "POLYGON ((50.65626187904185 26.24828637962653, 50.656251675908884 26.25175366324302, 50.65240649343577 26.25174441056527, 50.652416810695826 26.24827712835427, 50.65626187904185 26.24828637962653))",
"grid:code": "39N-465288_2903610",
"gsd": 1,
"license": "CC-BY-4.0",
"platform": "newsat21",
"proj:epsg": "32639",
"satl:altitude": 461.4741909855675,
"satl:altitude_units": "km",
"satl:product_name": "L1",
"url_analytic": "",
"url_preview": "",
"url_thumbnail": "",
"url_visual": "",
"view:azimuth": 97.95684658243894,
"view:off_nadir": 9.250787005630361,
"view:sun_azimuth": 269.67692021214305,
"view:sun_elevation": 57.10934720889825
Below are the footprints of those 64,375 images. I've colour-coded them by the date of their capture. I've tinted the basemap blue to help the footprints stand out. The red bounding box was the search area.

When I zoom in on any one of the large stripes of footprints, the individual footprints of each image can be seen.

I'll pick a small part of Qatar along its coastline and download that area's images.
$ echo "SELECT url_visual
FROM ST_READ('qatar.footprints.gpkg')
WHERE ST_X(ST_CENTROID(geom)) BETWEEN 50.811115 AND 50.829002
AND ST_Y(ST_CENTROID(geom)) BETWEEN 25.522661 AND 25.542736" \
| ~/duckdb -csv -noheader \
> url_visual.txt
$ mkdir imagery
$ cd imagery
$ cat ../url_visual.txt \
| xargs \
-P8 \
-I% \
wget -c "%"
The above downloaded 24 GeoTIFFs totalling 9.1 MB. Each image is 384x384-pixels.
Each image has geospatial information embedded within it, so I can group them together into a single image that will retain the spatial data. I'll re-compress the image using WebP, so the resulting image is much smaller than the original source imagery.
$ gdalbuildvrt mosaic.vrt *VISUAL.tif
$ gdal_translate \
-of COG \
mosaic.vrt \
The resulting mosaic GeoTIFF is 225 KB.

The 24 images look very different from one another and don't blend seamlessly. They share the same processing level and capture statistics, as far as I can tell.
.mode line
SELECT datetime,
FROM ST_READ('qatar.footprints.gpkg')
WHERE ST_X(ST_CENTROID(geom)) BETWEEN 50.811115 AND 50.829002
AND ST_Y(ST_CENTROID(geom)) BETWEEN 25.522661 AND 25.542736
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;
datetime = 2022-10-10T07:11:56.894566+00:00
platform = newsat16
satl:product_name = L1
view:azimuth = 283.5615135582265
view:off_nadir = 23.243003077262802
view:sun_azimuth = 149.1609429350105
view:sun_elevation = 53.39441361193675
count_star() = 24
For clarity, below are the grid codes for each image in the mosaic.

The following are types of imagery deliverables that Satellogic offers:
- L0: Raw
- L1A: Raw corrected
- L1B: L1 Basic (Cloud, shadow and usable data mask)
- L1C: Ortho ready
- L1D/L1D_SR: Ortho
- L1: TOA Reflectance
- L1_SR: TOA Reflectance SuperResolution
The product listed in the metadata for these images was L1 which I'm assuming means "Radiometric-corrected imagery (TOA reflectance imagery)". Their product documentation says the imagery is corrected for sensor, optical and terrain distortions (orthorectified).
My best guess is that the images have been processed independently of one another. Basemap producers often strive to blend images next to one another seamlessly but that might not be a requirement for this imagery's original deliverable.